Selling your business is a huge decision. It is a decision that merits due consideration of all the related factors- such as -ensuring the business is ‘market ready, the timing of a sale, the valuation of the business, the selling process, advertising your business, maintaining confidentiality throughout the process, negotiating with interested parties, agreeing a selling price, concluding a sale and managing the business handover…..whilst simultaneously ensuring the smooth running of your business.
Selling your business will have many beneficial consequences if handled correctly – but you can only sell your business once. If you would like to discuss selling your business – please contact us today.
We have been selling businesses across all sectors in Ireland for over the last 10 years. We have the knowledge and expertise to successfully bring your business to market – confidentially – and conclude a sale on your behalf – without any disruption to the business during the selling process – whilst you continue to grow and develop the business so as to maximise value.

Take a look at a selection of businesses currently for sale. We are constantly updating our listings – so please revisit us soon if the business you are seeking is not here today. If you are contemplating selling your business – please contact us today – or advertise your business by following our step by step process

One of the most important and defining decisions you will make is to sell your business. Why not instruct Sell The Business to act as a business broker for the sale of your business OR you can sell your business yourself by advertising your business and follow our step by step process

If you want to be alerted when New Businesses are listed – please register your interest and follow our step by step process. If you wish to advertise that your company is seeking acquisitions why not advertise your interest and follow our step by step process.