Selling your business is one of the most important decisions a business owner will ever make and it is hugely important that you the business owner is fully informed when making the decision to sell. Sell The Business are experts in selling businesses and we can guide you along the path.
Our Process
For a modest fee (which includes a free advertisement of your business for sale on our website) we will visit you at your business premises and we will carry out an Appraisal of your business that will enable us put a value on what we believe your business is worth today.
We will advise if we believe that the business value could be substantially improved if the business was prepared for sale over a period of time.
If you decide to sell your business after it has been valued, we will advertise your business on our website free of charge for a period of 12 months.
If you decide you will deal with all enquiries from prospective purchasers and will negotiate and conclude a sale yourself- they is no further charge.
Should you decide to engage our Brokerage Service – whereby we will deal with all prospective purchasers, negotiate a selling price and conclude a sale – there is an extra fee charged for this service.
For further information or clarification – please contact us today!